Nestled in the heart of the Essex countryside, Layer Marney Tower served as the enchanting backdrop for the celebration of love between F & D...
The groomsmen kicked off the day with an unexpected adventure when an emergency purchase of shoelaces became a necessity. Timpson's, the saviour of the day, became the opportunity for a light-hearted moment that would be remembered throughout time. So many great moments as the groomsmen exchanged banter, turning a potential hiccup into a cherished memory.
The wedding ceremony took place at St Andrew's Church in Hatfield Peverel, It was a beautiful blend of tradition and personal touches, creating an atmosphere of love and joy. As the couple exchanged vows and rings, the church resonated with the warmth of their commitment... reaffirming just how perfect they were for one another.
Following the heartfelt ceremony, the wedding party made its way to Layer Marney Tower, a breathtaking venue nestled in the Essex countryside. The drive was filled with anticipation and excitement, setting the tone for the grand celebration that awaited at the historical estate. The moment the wedding party arrived at Layer Marney Tower; it was evident why this venue had been chosen. The majestic tower, surrounded by meticulously manicured gardens, served as the perfect canvas for a day filled with happiness and celebration. The historic architecture of the tower added a touch of timeless elegance to the festivities.
The gardens, in full bloom, provided an idyllic setting for guests to mingle and capture precious moments. From candid snapshots to formal portraits, every corner of Layer Marney Tower's grounds became an artist's dream for the celebration of love.
F&D's wedding at Layer Marney Tower was a day that will be eternally cherished by all who attended. From the morning prep to the sacred ceremony at St Andrew's Church and the grandeur of the long hall at Layer Marney Tower. Every moment was a testament to the couple's love and the enchanting scenery they chose to celebrate it in. As the night concluded with laughter, dancing, and heartfelt toasts, it was clear that F&D's wedding was more than an event—it was a true fairytale come to life.
VENUE - Layer Marney Tower, Essex
Caterers - @bouquetgarnictr
Makeup - @katie_louisemakeup
Hair - @hair_with_rachel_c
Band - @24karatband
Rings - @jamesnewmanjewellery @mitchelandco
Wedding Dress - @bridalrelovedmaldon
Bridesmaids Dress - @davidsbridaluk
Photographing alongside Rachel Reeve Photography
Layer Marney Tower wedding venueColchester wedding venue Historic wedding venue Essex Tudor wedding venue Essex countryside weddings Exclusive wedding venue Layer Marney TowerUnique wedding venue Colchester
Garden weddings Essex Civil ceremony Colchester Wedding reception Layer Marney Tower Outdoor weddings Essex Intimate weddings Colchester Luxury wedding venue Essex Wedding packages Layer Marney TowerRustic weddings Essex Wedding venue with a view Colchester Romantic wedding venue Essex Essex barn weddings Wedding planning Layer Marney TowerLayer Marney Tower wedding photography.
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